Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2013

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On the Radar


Tech project 1: Create a GPG key and upload it to the keyservers

Linux instructions

There are a number of tools available to Linux users including many different plugins for popular email clients. I recommend using the enigmail plugin for the Thunderbird mail client as a place to start. Install both tools as you would any other software and then take a look at this quickstart guide from Enigmail: Enigmail quick start

OSX Instructions
The GPGTools project maintains an easy installer for GPG and instructional materials for generating a key and uploading it to the keyservers. Take a look at their homepage for the software and a video explanation, then refer to their Where do I start? guide for more detailed instructions.

Windows instructions

The GPG4win project maintains an easy installer for GPG and instructional materials for generating a key and uploading it to the keyservers. Take a look at their homepage for the software, then refer to their Gpg4win Compendium guide for more detailed instructions.


Revision 167r167 - 01 Mar 2013 - 20:48:32 - IanSullivan
Revision 166r166 - 20 Feb 2013 - 17:47:32 - EbenMoglen
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