Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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Computers, Privacy, & the Constitution

Professor Eben Moglen

Columbia Law School, Spring 2013


For our meeting on February 7, we will continue discussing PartFour in the context of Robert O'Harrow, Jr., No Place to Hide (2005).

For our meeting on February 14, we will complete discussion of PartFour and Robert O'Harrow, Jr., No Place to Hide (2005).
* * * * *
Note: O'Harrow's book is delivered in DejaVu format, a wonderful free format for the representation of scanned documents like books, much more efficient and powerful than PDF, which we will also use for other readings. If you are using a free software operating system, your Firefox browser already contains a viewer for djvu files. Otherwise, there are plugins to read djvu in your browser, whether you are stuck with Microbrain Windoze or have nothing better to compute with than a rotten Apple.

Note: O'Harrow's book is delivered in DejaVu format, a wonderful free format for the representation of scanned documents like books, much more efficient and powerful than PDF, which we will also use for other readings. If you are using a free software operating system, your Firefox browser already contains a viewer for djvu files. Otherwise, there are plugins to read djvu in your browser, whether you are stuck with Microbrain Windoze or have nothing better to compute with than a rotten Apple. If you are using an Android device, you could benefit from the free software VuDroid or EBookDroid applications available at Google Play.


Revision 165r165 - 11 Feb 2013 - 01:30:27 - EbenMoglen
Revision 164r164 - 06 Feb 2013 - 23:13:15 - EbenMoglen
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