Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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PartFour 95 - 09 May 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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META TOPICPARENT name="CompPrivConst"

Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 124 to 124
 Joab Jackson, Microsoft App Analyzes Your Busy Schedule, PC World, April 27, 2011
Grant Gross, Trial Version of CAD Software Includes Spyware, PC World, April 28, 2011

Roger Grimes, Privacy matters again, so you'd better prepare, Infoworld, May 3, 2011

Kevin Fogarty, Furniture Company Accused of Webcam-Spying on Customers, PCWorld, May 3, 2011

Joe Mandak, Suit against PC renter raises privacy questions, Associated Press, May 4, 2011


Looking Past the Wall

Line: 237 to 245
 Ryan Kim, Smartphones Are Local Search and Shopping Devices, NY Times, April 26, 2011
Neil Mcallister, Why users don't trust mobile apps, Infoworld, April 28, 2011

Lore Sjöberg, Alt Text: Sneaky Smartphones Track Stupid Users, Wired, April 28, 2011

Joelle Tessler, Wireless carriers get consent to use location data, Associated Press, April 28, 2011

Keir Thomas, Verizon to Warn Cellphone Buyers on Tracking Data, PCWorld, April 30, 2011

Mike Elgan, Who Owns Your Location?, Computerworld, May 2, 2011


Tracking Apple, Google & Microsoft's Tracking Policies

Line: 310 to 328
 Miguel Helft, Apple and Google Use Phone Data to Map the World, NY Times, April 25, 2011
Peter Bright, Windows Phone 7: no on-device location tracking; online another matter, Ars Technica, April 26, 2011
 Mike Keller, No, Apple Is Not Tracking Your Location, PCWorld, April 26, 2011

Hayley Tsukayama, Does Windows Phone 7 track users?, Washington Post, April 26, 2011

Line: 345 to 365
 Hayley Tsukayama, Jobs explains mobile policies, says Apple will testify in hearing,Washington Post, April 27, 2011
David Pogue, Wrapping Up the Apple Location Brouhaha, NY Times, April 28, 2011
Chris Foresman, Google Faces $50 Million Lawsuit Over Android Location Tracking, Wired, May 1, 2011

Ed Oswald, Google Tracks You Too, Internal E-mails Show, PCWorld, May 1, 2011

Ryan Kim, Why Android Location Data Is So Important to Google, NY Times, May 2, 2011

Ralph Jennings. South Korea Raids Google Over Illegal Mobile Data Collection, PC World, May 3, 2011

Jacqui Cheng,iOS 4.3.3 is out with location tracking fixes for iPhone, iPad, Ars Technica, May 4, 2011

Jared Newman, Apple iOS 4.3.3 is Out; Location-Tracking Removed, PC World, May 4, 2011

Apple updates iPhone to address privacy worries, Associated Press, May 4, 2011

Darrell Etherington, Apple and Google Execs to Testify Before Senate Hearing on Privacy, NY Times, May 6, 2011



Lewis Page, NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution, The Register, February 12, 2009

Line: 463 to 499
 Parmy Olson, British Firm Offered Spy Software To Egypt, Forbes, April 27, 2011

Curt Hopkins, Iran Officially Worst Online Oppressor, NY Times, April 30, 2011

Jennifer Baker, European Legislators Consider Net Filter for Europe, PCWorld, May 2, 2011

Michael Kan,China's New IT Authority Could Raise Censorship, PC World, May 4, 2011

Stephanie Overby, IT Outsourcing in China and Data Privacy Guidelines, PC World, May 4, 2011

Line: 563 to 607
 Dan Berg, Ad Company Wants to Know What You’re Thinking, PCWorld, April 27, 2011
Eli Pariser, Welcome to the Brave New World of Persuasion Profiling, Wired, April 26, 2011

Mark Sherman, Court questions limits on use of prescription data, Associated Press, April 26, 2011

Nick Bilton, Holding Companies Accountable for Privacy Breaches, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Jared Newman, TomTom Caught Selling Speed Data to Dutch Police, PCWorld, April 28, 2011

Felix Salmon, The Uncanny Valley of Advertising, Wired, April 28, 2011

Jordan Robertson, Customers stay despite high-profile data breaches, Associated Press, May 1, 2011

Nick Bilton, How Credit Card Data Is Stolen and Sold. NY Times, May 3, 2011

Kevin Poulsen, Chat Log: What It Looks Like When Hackers Sell Your Credit Card Online, Wired, May 4, 2011

Nick Bilton, A Tool to Harvest iPhone Location Data, NY Times, May 5, 2011

Cristen Conger, Can You Disappear on the Web?, ABC News, May 7, 2011



Beth Bacheldor, RFID Takes Root in Bangladesh, RFID Journal, Jan. 15, 2008

Line: 844 to 908
 Miguel Helft & Matt Richtel, Facebook Prepares to Add Friends in Washington, NY Times, March 28, 2011
Rafe Needleman, Zapoint constructs resumes from social networks, CNET, March 28, 2011
 What a Gibbs Hire Might Mean for Facebook, video, NY Times, March 28, 2011

Adam Thierer, On Facebook “Normalizing Relations” with Washington, The Technology Liberation Front, March 29, 2011

Line: 902 to 968
 Richard MacManus, Why Color May Be The Next Twitter, NY Times, April 27, 2011
Caitlin Roper, Sites That Share Your Chrome Cache, Wired, April 26, 2011

Nick Bilton, Facebook Hires Duo Behind Daytum, a Personal Data Site, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Ken Fisher, Facebook shoots first, ignores questions later; account lock-out attack works (Update X), Ars Technica, April 28, 2011

Sarah Perez, Anyone Can Take Down Facebook Pages With a Fake Email Address, NY Times, April 28, 2011

Ashlee Vance, Yammer, Chatter, Hot Water, Businessweek, April 28, 2011

Jacqui Cheng, Facebook takedown followup: what happened, and what Facebook needs to fix, Ars Technica, April 29, 2011

Cory Doctorow, Facebook celebrates royal wedding by nuking 50 protest groups, Boing Boing, April 29, 2011

Ed Oswald, Julian Assange: Facebook is an 'Appalling Spying Machine', PCWorld, May 2, 2011

Brian Stelter & Jennifer Preston, Turning to Social Networks for News, NY Times, May 2, 2011


Border Searches

PartFour 94 - 29 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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META TOPICPARENT name="CompPrivConst"

Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 840 to 840
 Sarah Lyall, For $1,000, Site Lets Celebrities Say It Ain’t So, NY Times, March 27, 2011
Andrew Ross Sorkin, Facebook May Hire Robert Gibbs, Former Obama Aide, NY Times, March 27, 2011
 Miguel Helft & Matt Richtel, Facebook Prepares to Add Friends in Washington, NY Times, March 28, 2011

What a Gibbs Hire Might Mean for Facebook, video, NY Times, March 28, 2011

PartFour 93 - 29 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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META TOPICPARENT name="CompPrivConst"

Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 116 to 116
 Elinor Mills, Personal-safety GPS device presents security risk, CNET, April 22, 2011
Carolyn Thompson, NY case underscores Wi-Fi privacy dangers, Associated Press, April 24, 2011
  Bizarre Porn Raid Underscores Wi-Fi Privacy Risks, blogpost by CmdrTaco, Slashdot, April 25, 2011

Dan Rowinski, Update: Personal Data of 70 Million Sony Customers Exposed in Hack, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Line: 351 to 354
 David Pogue, One Number to Ring Them All, New York Times, March 12, 2009
John Leyden, Skype plugs Android privacy flaw, The Register, April 21, 2011

Flash Mobs

Line: 546 to 550
 Elinor Mills, Who is Epsilon and why does it have my data?, CNET, April 6, 2011
Peter Wayner, Illustrating Your Life in Graphs and Charts, NY Times, April 20, 2011

Zoe Chace, Web's 'Content Farms' Grow Audiences For Ads, NPR, April 21, 2011

J.D. Biersdorfer, Personalized Ads in Gmail, NY Times, April 25, 2011

Tomio Geron, Can The U.N. Use Big Data To Respond To Global Disasters?, blogs, Forbes, April 26, 2011

Nina Totenberg, Supreme Court Weighs Whether To Limit Data Mining, NPR, April 26, 2011

Dan Berg, Ad Company Wants to Know What You’re Thinking, PCWorld, April 27, 2011



Beth Bacheldor, RFID Takes Root in Bangladesh, RFID Journal, Jan. 15, 2008

Line: 574 to 591
 Mitch Betts, Footwear, Fashion Driving RFID Growth, February 21, 2011
Roy Furchgott, Peace of Mind, From a Dubious Threat, NY Times, April 25, 2011

Government Spoofing

Line: 735 to 753
 Mark Milian, Google making app that would identify people's faces, CNN, March 31, 2011
Jon Brodkin, Windows 8 Facial Recognition Moves Closer to Reality, Network World, April 23, 2011

Megan Geuss, Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy, PC World, April 26, 2011


Social Networking and Online Dating

PartFour 92 - 28 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 102 to 102
 David Harley, Every picture tells a story, SC Magazine, April 13, 2011
Lance Whitney, Companies fear cybercrime more than insider threats, Cnet, April 15, 2011
Lance Whitney, Companies fear cybercrime more than insider threats, CNET, April 15, 2011
 Verne G. Kopytoff, Yahoo Will Keep Search Queries for 18 Months, blogs, NY Times, April 18, 2011
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 Thomas Lowenthal, IP address can now pin down your location to within a half mile, Ars Technica, April 22, 2011
Elinor Mills, Personal-safety GPS device presents security risk, Cnet, April 22, 2011
Elinor Mills, Personal-safety GPS device presents security risk, CNET, April 22, 2011
  Bizarre Porn Raid Underscores Wi-Fi Privacy Risks, blogpost by CmdrTaco, Slashdot, April 25, 2011
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 John Markoff, New Search Technology Is Enhanced With Videos, NY Times, April 7, 2011
Clare Hopping, Sensitive data and your mobile phone policy, IT Pro, April 11, 2011
 Mike Elgan, Snooping: It's not a crime, it's a feature, Computerworld, April 16, 2011
Tom Brewster, Skype Android app flaw places data in danger, IT Pro, April 18, 2011

Mark Baard, See aliens invade the Greenway — if you have the app, The Boston Globe, April 18, 2011

Gregg Keizer, Skype for Android leaks user data, Computerworld, April 18, 2011

Jihadists use mobiles as propaganda tools, BBC, April 21, 2011

Nick Bilton, Location Apps Generate Privacy Concerns, NY Times, April 21, 2011

Declan McCullagh, How police have obtained iPhone, iPad tracking logs, CNET, April 21, 2011

Dan Kaplan, Location data collection may interest law enforcement, SC Magazine, April 22, 2011

Richard H. Thaler, Show Us the Data. (It’s Ours, After All.), NY Times, April 23, 2011

Robert Lee Hotz, The Really Smart Phone, Wall Street Journal, April 23, 2011

Matthew Lasar, The gadgets police use to snarf cell phone data, Ars Techica, April 25, 2011

Robert X. Cringely, Your smartphone knows you better than you do, Infoworld, April 26, 2011

Tom Kaneshige, Is IT Tracking Your Location via Smartphone?, PC World, April 26, 2011

Ryan Kim, Smartphones Are Local Search and Shopping Devices, NY Times, April 26, 2011


Tracking Apple, Google & Microsoft's Tracking Policies

Galen Gruman, Mobile location services: Don't ruin the pending revolution, Infoworld, April 19, 2011

Line: 237 to 266
 Miguel Helft, Google Says It Collects Location Data on Phones for Location Services, April 22, 2011
Elinor Mills, Tools wipe location data from (some) iPhones, Cnet, April 22, 2011
Elinor Mills, Tools wipe location data from (some) iPhones, CNET, April 22, 2011
 Dan Goodin, No, iPhone location tracking isn't harmless and here's why, The Register, April 22, 2011
Declan McCullag, Android data tied to users? Some say yes, Cnet, April 22, 2011
Declan McCullag, Android data tied to users? Some say yes, CNET, April 22, 2011
 Cory Doctorow, Android secretly stores location data too -- though less of it, and with less detail, Boing Boing, April 22, 2011
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 Jun Yang, Apple’s Location Data Collection Probed in South Korea, Businessweek, April 25, 2011
Declan McCullagh, Microsoft collects locations of Windows phone users, Cnet, April 25, 2011
Declan McCullagh, Microsoft collects locations of Windows phone users, CNET, April 25, 2011
 Wayne Rash, Mobile Phone Geo-Tracking Means You Can Run, but You Can`t Hide, Eweek, April 25, 2011
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 Michele Kelemen, U.S. Eyes Global Internet Freedoms, NPR newscast, April 8, 2011
Declan McCullagh, Privacy dispute tests Obama's earlier promises, CNET, April 8, 2011

Elinor Mills, U.S. shutters botnet, can disable malware remotely, CNET, April 13, 2011

David Meyer, Ripa changes call for consent before snooping, ZDNet UK, April 20, 2011

Michael Liedtke, Google's 1Q lobbying bill hits new high of $1.48M,, April 22, 2011

Japanese Government Will Censor Fukushima "Illegal Information", blogpost by samzenpus, Slashdot, April 24, 2011

Adam Schreck, Emirati telecom: BlackBerry limits next week, AP, April 25, 2011

Jacqui Cheng, FBI child porn raid a strong argument for locking down WiFi networks, Ars Technica, April 25, 2011

Darlene Storm, Justice Department Pushes Warrantless GPS Surveillance, Computerworld, April 25, 2011

Tim Arango, Text Messages Proliferate as Threats in Iraq, NY Times, April 26, 2011

Andy Greenberg, How Iran Became The World’s Worst Internet Oppressor, Forbes, April 26, 2011

Dan Goodin, TomTom sorry for giving customer driving data to cops, The Register, April 27, 2011

Vikas Bajaj, India Puts Tight Leash on Internet Free Speech, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Parmy Olson, British Firm Offered Spy Software To Egypt, Forbes, April 27, 2011


Data Mining & Data Selling

Line: 754 to 810
 Rhea Wessel, Activist Investors Turn to Social Media to Enlist Support, NY Times, March 24, 2011
Emma Barnett, Facebook policy chief admits site needs to improve deletion tools for a minority of users, The Telegraph, Mar 25, 2011
Randy Abrams, Facebook Retains Right to Exploit Minors, ESET Threat Blog, March 25, 2011

Emma Barnett, Facebook policy chief admits site needs to improve deletion tools for a minority of users, The Telegraph, March 25, 2011

 Jennifer Preston, Ethical Quandary for Social Sites, NY Times, March 27, 2011
Sarah Lyall, For $1,000, Site Lets Celebrities Say It Ain’t So, NY Times, March 27, 2011
 Miguel Helft & Matt Richtel, Facebook Prepares to Add Friends in Washington, NY Times, March 28, 2011

What a Gibbs Hire Might Mean for Facebook, video, NY Times, March 28, 2011

Line: 786 to 846
 Dan Goodin, Virally spreading scam spreads over Twitter, The Register, April 5, 2011
Steven Greenhouse, Labor Panel to Press Reuters Over Reaction to Twitter Post, NY Times, April 6, 2011
 Facebook and Google fight French police's data demands, The Telegraph, April 7, 2011

Associated Press, US gov’t may use Facebook, Twitter to announce new terrorism warnings to public, Washington Post, April 7, 2011

Andy Greenberg, Feds: “Unread” Privacy Policy Lets Us Nab WikiLeakers’ Twitter Data, Forbes, April 8, 2011

Fahmida Y. Rashid, Sophos Demands Facebook Make Security, Privacy Default Settings, eWeek, April 18, 2011

Hayley Tsukayama, Facebook and free speech: it’s complicated, Washington Post, April 21, 2011, Social networks must police kids' profiles, says EC, The Register, April 21, 2011

Beth DeFalco & Jennifer Peltz, Tweeting, deleting help build Rutgers webcam case, Associated Press, April 23, 2011

Lucas Mearian, Banks Go Social to Collaborate, Reach Customers, PC World, April 24, 2011

Claire Cain Miller, Filtering the Social Web to Present News Items, NY Times, April 24, 2011

Larry Magid, Software alerts parents of Facebook users (podcast), CNET, April 26, 2011

Tom Gillis, Unsociable: Social Media Brings a New Wave of Threats, blogs, Forbes, April, 26 2011

Linton Weeks, Privacy 2.0: We Are All Celebrities Now (First of two parts) NPR, April 26, 2011

Linton Weeks, Privacy 2.0: The Garbo Economy (Second of two parts), NPR, April 27, 2011

Nick Bilton, Facebook Hires Duo Behind Daytum, a Personal Data Site, NY Times, April 27, 2011
Richard MacManus, Why Color May Be The Next Twitter, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Border Searches

PartFour 91 - 28 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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META TOPICPARENT name="CompPrivConst"

Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 99 to 99
 Ki Mae Heussner, So Much for Privacy? New Sites Share Every Step You Take Online, ABC News, March 31, 2011
David Harley, Every picture tells a story, SC Magazine, April 13, 2011

Lance Whitney, Companies fear cybercrime more than insider threats, Cnet, April 15, 2011

Verne G. Kopytoff, Yahoo Will Keep Search Queries for 18 Months, blogs, NY Times, April 18, 2011

Eric Brown, Home surveillance camera offers night vision, eWeek, April 18, 2011

Ki Mae Heussner, Are You Being Secretly Recorded at Work?, ABC News, April 19, 2011

Ciaran Giles, Internet 'Right to Be Forgotten' Debate Hits Spain, Associated Press, April 20, 2011

Thomas Lowenthal, IP address can now pin down your location to within a half mile, Ars Technica, April 22, 2011

Elinor Mills, Personal-safety GPS device presents security risk, Cnet, April 22, 2011

Bizarre Porn Raid Underscores Wi-Fi Privacy Risks, blogpost by CmdrTaco, Slashdot, April 25, 2011

Dan Rowinski, Update: Personal Data of 70 Million Sony Customers Exposed in Hack, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Joab Jackson, Microsoft App Analyzes Your Busy Schedule, PC World, April 27, 2011


Looking Past the Wall

Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001)

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Tracking Apple, Google & Microsoft's Tracking Policies

Galen Gruman, Mobile location services: Don't ruin the pending revolution, Infoworld, April 19, 2011

Charles Arthur, iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go, The Guardian, April 20, 2011

Gregg Keizer, FTC calls out Google's Chrome over Do Not Track, Computerworld, April 20, 2011

Ki Mae Heussner, Apple Tracks Location with iPhone, iPad Data, ABC News, April 20, 2011

Jacqui Cheng, How Apple tracks your location without consent, and why it matters, Ars Technica, April 20, 2011

Nick Bilton, 3G Apple iOS Devices Are Storing Users’ Location Data, blogs, NY Times, April 20, 2011

AP, Belgium Probes Google Street View Data Sweep, April 21, 2011

Adam Satariano, Apple IPhone Tracking Is Probably a ‘Mistake,’ Researchers Say, Business Week, April 21, 2011

Nate Anderson, Rep. Ed Markey wants privacy answers from Steve Jobs (again), Ars Technica, April 21, 2011

Nick Bilton, Location Apps Generate Privacy Concerns, Report Says, blogs, NY Times, April 21, 2011

Hayley Tsukayama, Tracking on the iPhone catches the Hill’s attention, Washington Post, April 21, 2011

Marie C. Baca, Apple’s iPhone/iPad Location-Tracking May Be a Bug, VentureBeat, April 21, 2011

Ki Mae Heussner, Why Are Apple, Google Tracking Your Phone?, video, ABC News, April 22, 2011

Miguel Helft, Google Says It Collects Location Data on Phones for Location Services, April 22, 2011

Elinor Mills, Tools wipe location data from (some) iPhones, Cnet, April 22, 2011

Dan Goodin, No, iPhone location tracking isn't harmless and here's why, The Register, April 22, 2011

Declan McCullag, Android data tied to users? Some say yes, Cnet, April 22, 2011

Cory Doctorow, Android secretly stores location data too -- though less of it, and with less detail, Boing Boing, April 22, 2011

Paritosh Bansal, Apple, Google tap phone location data, Reuters, April 22, 2011

Brian X. Chen & Mike Isaac, Why You Should Care About the iPhone Location-Tracking Issue, Wired, April 22, 2011

Becky Worley, Is Your iPhone Tracking You?, ABC News, April 23, 2011

Armando Rodriguez, Your Android Phone is Tracking You, PCWorld, April 23, 2011

Tony Bradley, iPhone Tracking Not News, Not Unique, and Not Ominous, PCWorld, April 23, 2011

Jordan Robertson, Your Phone, Yourself: When is tracking too much?, Associated Press, April 23, 2011

Jordan Robertson, Q-and-A: Smartphone location tracking, Associated Press, April 23, 2011

Hiawatha Bray, Smartphone privacy fears raised,, April 23, 2011

Nicholas Kolakowski, iPhone Tracking Issue Not Apple's First Congressional Run-In, Eweek, April 24, 2011

Jun Yang, Apple’s Location Data Collection Probed in South Korea, Businessweek, April 25, 2011

Declan McCullagh, Microsoft collects locations of Windows phone users, Cnet, April 25, 2011

Wayne Rash, Mobile Phone Geo-Tracking Means You Can Run, but You Can`t Hide, Eweek, April 25, 2011

Ian Paul, iPhone Records Location Data No Matter What, Report Says, PCWorld, April 25, 2011

Gregg Keizer, Florida, N.Y. Consumers Sue Apple Over Location Tracking, Computerworld, April 25, 2011

Robert X. Cringely, Google and Apple: Smartphone Spies, Infoworld, April 25, 2011

Miguel Helft, Apple and Google Use Phone Data to Map the World, NY Times, April 25, 2011

Mike Keller, No, Apple Is Not Tracking Your Location, PCWorld, April 26, 2011

Hayley Tsukayama, Does Windows Phone 7 track users?, Washington Post, April 26, 2011

iPhone Tracking Ruckus Ongoing, blogpost by CmdrTaco, Slashdot, April 26, 2011

Nancy Gohring,Apple Patent App Shows Plans for Location Data, IDG News, April 26, 2011

Dean Wilson, Microsoft admits that Windows Phone 7 collects location data, The Inquirer, April 27, 2011

Lawrence Latif, Apple denies tracking Iphone users, The Inquirer, April 27, 2011

Lex Friedman, Apple responds to concerns about iPhone location data, Infoworld, April 27, 2011

David Meyer, Apple: iPhone data used to build Wi-Fi hotspot database, ZDNet UK, April 27, 2011

Eyder Peralta, Apple's Steve Jobs Says Software Update Will Curtail Location Collection, NPR, April 27, 2011

Lex Friedman, Apple Publishes Q&A on IPhone Location Data, Macworld, April 27, 2011

Ian Paul, Apple Denies Tracking Users, Promises Software Fix, PCWorld, April 27, 2011

Miguel Helft, Jobs Says Apple Made Mistakes With iPhone Data, NY Times, April 27, 2011

Dan Moren, Homing In on Apple's Location-data Response, Macworld, April 27, 2011

Dan Goodin, Windows phones send user location to Microsoft, The Register, April 27, 2011

Bill Ray, US Senate weighs in on phone tracking, The Register, April 27, 2011

Hayley Tsukayama, Apple blames bug for location data file, plans policy changes, Washington Post, April 27, 2011

Hayley Tsukayama, Jobs explains mobile policies, says Apple will testify in hearing,Washington Post, April 27, 2011



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Revision 90r90 - 28 Apr 2011 - 19:33:00 - TanishaMadrid
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