Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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PartFour 90 - 28 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

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 Mike Elgan, Snooping: It's not a crime, it's a feature, Computerworld, April 16, 2011

Tracking Apple, Google & Microsoft's Tracking Policies



PartFour 89 - 21 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

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 John Markoff, New Search Technology Is Enhanced With Videos, NY Times, April 7, 2011
Mike Elgan, Snooping: It's not a crime, it's a feature, Computerworld, April 16, 2011


PartFour 88 - 16 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 67 to 67
 Paul Ohm, Netflix's Impending (But Still Avoidable) Multi-Million Dollar Privacy Blunder,, September 21st, 2009
Kashmir Hill, How the C.I.A. Perfects its Social Media Monitoring Technologies, Forbes, November 24, 2010

Talk Talk to introduce controversial virus alert system, BBC News, November 25, 2010

Tom Connor, Peep show: inside the world of unsecured IP security cameras, Ars Technica, January 11, 2011

Tom Foremski, Have US companies helped in Egypt Internet crackdown?, ZDNet, January 28, 2011

 Researchers Track Mouse Movements and Hesitations,, blogpost, January 31, 2011

Darren Pauli, National biometric pub list use 'explodes', ZDNet, February 1, 2011

Darlene Storm, Hackers use hidden device to manipulate news at Wi-Fi hotspots, Computerworld, February 14, 2011

Declan McCullagh, Libya's Internet hit with severe disruptions, CNET, February 22, 2011

Brian Prince, Security: Wiretapping the Internet: Inside Government Web Monitoring Efforts, slideshow, Eweek, February 23, 2011

Dan Kaplan, Requiring ISPs to retain user logs, SC Magazine, March 1, 2011

 Cory Doctorow, Folk models of home computer security: what we think our PCs are doing, Boing Boing, March 22, 2011
Alex Knapp, Samsung Unveils Robot Vacuum Spy, Forbes, March 22, 2011

Internet transparency tools for everyone gets wads of cash, The Inquirer, March 23, 2011

Lucas Mearian, Big data to drive a surveillance society. Computerworld, March 24, 2011

Darlene Storm, U.S. Gov't to Thank for Phone-Wiping Panic Button, PC World, March 30, 2011

Ki Mae Heussner, So Much for Privacy? New Sites Share Every Step You Take Online, ABC News, March 31, 2011

Looking Past the Wall

Line: 93 to 117
 Adam Cohen, A Casualty of the Technology Revolution: ‘Locational Privacy’, New York Times, August 31, 2009
US government developing activist technology,, April 8, 2011
Line: 148 to 173
 Paul Sonne and Max Colchester, Egyptian Government Intrudes on Mobile Operators,, February 4, 2011
Michael Kan, Beijing to Track People's Movements Via Their Mobile Phones, CIO, March 4, 2011

Kashmir Hill, The Tracking Device We’ve All Embraced: Our Phones, Forbes, blogpost, March 28, 2011

 Mike Masneck, Replay Six Months Of A German Politician's Life Thanks To His Mobile Phone Data, Techdirt, March 29, 2011
John Markoff, New Search Technology Is Enhanced With Videos, NY Times, April 7, 2011



Lewis Page, NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution, The Register, February 12, 2009

Line: 172 to 205
 Nate Cochrane, Egyptians turn to Tor to Organise dissent online, SC Magazine, February 2, 2011
Xeni Jardin, Egypt: The viral vlog of Asmaa Mahfouz that helped spark an uprising, video, Boing Boing, February 2, 2011

Azerbaijan clamps down on protesters ahead of rally, BBC, March 10, 2011

Janine Zacharia, Signs of dissent becoming more visible among youth in Saudi Arabia, Washington Post, March 10, 2011

Joel Greenberg, Palestinians rally for unity in Gaza, West Bank, The Washington Post, March 16, 2011


Conduct of Surveillance

Line: 198 to 239
 Kim Zetter, Military Monitored Planned Parenthood, Supremacists, Wired, Feb 25, 2010
Helmi Noman & Jillian C. York, West Censoring East: The Use of Western Technologies by Middle East Censors, 2010-2011, OpenNet Initiative, 2011

Jaikumar Vijayan, DOJ seeks mandatory data retention requirement for ISPs, Computerworld, January 25, 2011

Hello, Big Brother: Digital sensors are watching us, USA Today, January 26, 2011

Michael Kan, China Microblogs Block Chinese Word for 'Egypt', CIO, January 29, 2011

Andy Greenberg, As Egyptians Reconnect, Their Government Will Be Watching, Forbes, February 4, 2011

Daniel Lyons, Dictator-Proofing the Internet, Newsweek, February 6, 2011

Jim Harper, Is a U.S. Company Assisting Egyptian Surveillance?, Cato@Liberty, blogpost, February 7, 2011

Grant Gross, FBI: Web-based services hurting wiretapping efforts, Computerworld, February 17, 2011

Ryan Singal, FBI pushes for surveillance backdoors in Web 2.0 tools, Ars Technica, February 18, 2011

Christopher Williams, Iran cracks down on web dissident technology, The Telegraph, March 18, 2011

Bob Brown & Tim Greene, Google Funds Tools to Expose Government Attempts to Censor, Shut Down the Internet, CIO, March 22, 2011

Lucas Mearian, Big Data to Drive a Surveillance Society, Computerworld, March 24, 2011

Paul Sonne & Steve Stecklow, U.S. Products Help Block Mideast Web, Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2011

Nate Anderson, Why the US needs to blacklist, censor pirate websites, Ars Technica, April 1, 2011

Joby Warrick, Report on global human rights practices notes tightening of Internet freedoms, Washington Post, April 8, 2011

Angela Moscaritolo, Education Dept. proposes new privacy, data sharing rules, SC Magazine, April 8, 2011

Michele Kelemen, U.S. Eyes Global Internet Freedoms, NPR newscast, April 8, 2011


Data Mining & Data Selling

Arthur R. Miller, The National Data Center And Personal Privacy, The Atlantic, Nov, 1967

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 Steve Lohr, How Privacy Vanishes Online, NY Times, Mar 16, 2010
Paul Krill, Big Data mining: Who owns your social network data?, InfoWorld? , March 9, 2011
Rachael King, Sentiment Analysis Gives Companies Insight Into Consumer Opinion, Business Week, March 1, 2011
Paul Krill, Big Data mining: Who owns your social network data?, InfoWorld, March 9, 2011
Jaikumar Vijayan, Obama Administration Calls for New Privacy Law, CIO, March 16, 2011

Larry Dignan, Get ready for neuromarketing: Advertising just got creepier, ZDNet, March 21, 2011

Elinor Mills, Who is Epsilon and why does it have my data?, CNET, April 6, 2011



Line: 302 to 385
 Dan Goodin, (USA) Passport RFIDs cloned wholesale by $250 eBay auction spree, The Register, February 2, 2009
Mitch Betts, Footwear, Fashion Driving RFID Growth, February 21, 2011

Government Spoofing

Lance Whitney, China hijacked U.S. Internet data, C|Net, October 22, 2010

Dan Goodin, Tunisia plants country-wide keystroke logger on Facebook, The Register, January 25, 2011
 Nick Fielding & Ian Cobain, US spy operation that manipulates social media, The Guardian, March 17, 2011

Kim Zetter, Congress Asks to Review DoD and NSA Contracts With HBGary, Wired, March 17, 2011

Michael Kan, Google: Gmail Blocking Designed By Chinese Government, CIO, March 21, 2011

Dan Goodin, 'Iranian' attackers forge Google's Gmail credentials, The Register, March 23, 2011

Mark Gibbs, Lots of "people" you interact with online are sockpuppets, Computerworld, March 24, 2011

Michael Schwirtz, Russians Riled by Attacks on Blogging Service, NY Times, April 8, 2011

Jaikumar Vijayan, Government made me do it, imprisoned TJX hacker claims, Computerworld, April 8, 2011


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 Declan McCullagh, Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police, CNet News, February 19, 2009
Nick Farrell, US lawyers start to mine private Facebook zones, The Inquirer, January 28, 2011

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 Eric Lichtbau & James Risen, N.S.A.’s Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress, NY Times, April 15, 2009
David Kravets, Appeals court revives lawsuit challenging NSA surveillance of Americans,, March 21, 2011

NSA Surveillance Hearings

Eric Lichtblau, Top Aide Defends Domestic Spying, New York Times, February 7, 2006

Line: 443 to 542
 Dana Oshiro, Picasa 3.5: Ruining Your Good Name with Face Recognition Tagging, Read Write Web, September 22, 2009
Ellen Messmer, FBI Turns Up Faster, More Accurate Fingerprint Identification System, CIO, March 8, 2011

Darlene Storm, How to trick facial recognition & lie to your smartphone, Computerworld, blog, March 29, 2011

Mark Milian, Google making app that would identify people's faces, CNN, March 31, 2011


Social Networking and Online Dating

Line: 486 to 591
 Google Social Search, Official Google Blog, October 26, 2009
Lawrence Latif, Facebook temporarily halts its latest privacy blunder, The Inquirer, January 18, 2011

Intelligence agencies urged to track social media sites,, January 28, 2011

Mary Beth Sheridan, Social media curbs pose hurdle for U.S., Washington Post, January 29, 2011

Tom Krazit, Google, Twitter build Speak to Tweet for Egyptians, CNET, January 31, 2011

 Zeljka Zorz, Private info on Facebook increasingly used in court, Help Net Security, February 2, 2011
Sam Gustin, Social Media Sparked, Accelerated Egypt’s Revolutionary Fire,, February 11, 2011

Linda Herrera Egypt's Revolution 2.0: The Facebook Factor, blogpost,, February 12, 2011

Kashmir Hill, Can Facebook-Addicted Congressmen Force Themselves to Crack Down on the Social Network?, Forbes, February 16, 2011

Forrester Research in Best Practices. Social Networks: Good Or Evil?, CIO, February 17, 2011

Caroline McCarthy, Amid unrest, a hard new look at online anonymity, CNET, February 22, 2011

Michael Kan, China Blocks LinkedIn, Ramps Up Internet Censorship, CIO, February 24, 2011

What role has social media played in the Middle East revolutions?, video,, February 24, 2011

Verne G. Kopytoff, Sites Like Twitter Absent From Free Speech Pact, NY Times, March 6, 2011

Dylan Tweney, Al Jazeera English Plans Show Centered on Social Networking,, March 6, 2011

Stephanie McCrummen, In Iraq protests, a younger generation finds its voice, March 16, 2011

Rhea Wessel, Activist Investors Turn to Social Media to Enlist Support, NY Times, March 24, 2011

Emma Barnett, Facebook policy chief admits site needs to improve deletion tools for a minority of users, The Telegraph, Mar 25, 2011

Jennifer Preston, Ethical Quandary for Social Sites, NY Times, March 27, 2011

Miguel Helft & Matt Richtel, Facebook Prepares to Add Friends in Washington, NY Times, March 28, 2011

What a Gibbs Hire Might Mean for Facebook, video, NY Times, March 28, 2011

Adam Thierer, On Facebook “Normalizing Relations” with Washington, The Technology Liberation Front, March 29, 2011

Facebook drops 'intifada' page for promoting violence,, March 29, 2011

Associated Press, After Israeli official complains, Facebook removes page calling for armed Palestinian uprising, Washington Post, March 29, 2011

Byron Acohido, Social-media tools used to target corporate secrets, USA Today, March 30, 2011

 Dj Walker-Morgan, application knows where you've been, The H, March 30, 2011
Kyle Almond, How one voice can tell the story of an entire movement, CNN, April 1, 2011

Austin Considine, For Activists, Tips on Safe Use of Social Media, NY Times, April 1, 2011

Xeni Jardin, Israeli weapons in Libya? Andy Carvin and his Twitter followers debunk sloppy reporting, tweet by tweet Boing Boing, April 2, 2011

Christopher Joyce, Computer Translator Reads Between The Tweets, NPR, April 4, 2011

John Leyden, Photoshopped image scam used in rogue Facebook app trap, The Register, April 4, 2011

Social Media and the Libya Uprising, video, ABC News, April 4, 2011

Dan Goodin, Virally spreading scam spreads over Twitter, The Register, April 5, 2011

Facebook and Google fight French police's data demands, The Telegraph, April 7, 2011

Associated Press, US gov’t may use Facebook, Twitter to announce new terrorism warnings to public, Washington Post, April 7, 2011

Andy Greenberg, Feds: “Unread” Privacy Policy Lets Us Nab WikiLeakers’ Twitter Data, Forbes, April 8, 2011


Border Searches

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 Solomon Moore, F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases, April 18, 2009
'Fingerprint' software to stem cyber crime,, November 16, 2010
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PartFour 87 - 02 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

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 Paul Sonne and Max Colchester, Egyptian Government Intrudes on Mobile Operators,, February 4, 2011
Mike Masneck, Replay Six Months Of A German Politician's Life Thanks To His Mobile Phone Data, Techdirt, March 29, 2011


Lewis Page, NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution, The Register, February 12, 2009

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 Zeljka Zorz, Private info on Facebook increasingly used in court, Help Net Security, February 2, 2011
Dj Walker-Morgan, application knows where you've been, The H, March 30, 2011

Border Searches

PartFour 86 - 23 Mar 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

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Government Spoofing

Nick Fielding & Ian Cobain, Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media, The Guardian, March 17, 2011
Lance Whitney, China hijacked U.S. Internet data, C|Net, October 22, 2010

Nick Fielding & Ian Cobain, US spy operation that manipulates social media, The Guardian, March 17, 2011

Kim Zetter, Congress Asks to Review DoD and NSA Contracts With HBGary, Wired, March 17, 2011


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Revision 85r85 - 23 Mar 2011 - 03:24:29 - TanishaMadrid
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